AEC Marketeer
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
118 episodes of AEC Marketeer since the first episode, which aired on June 22nd, 2020.
Episode 38: How to Evaluate Your Business Processes
April 14th, 2021 | 20 mins 32 secs
business processes, crm, podcasting
In this episode I chat with Lindsay about business processes in AEC firms including the similarities and differences between the firms that she works with.
Episode 37: The Benefits of Automation Software with Kathryn Bennett
March 31st, 2021 | 20 mins 42 secs
aec marketing, aecmarketeer, automation software, proposal automation
I have the opportunity to chat with Kathryn Bennett about all things automation software, its benefits, application, and the future role of proposal managers.
Episode 36: Company Culture and COVID with Julie Huval
March 17th, 2021 | 33 mins 36 secs
aecmarketeer, aecmarketing, companyculture
Julie and I chat about company culture, how to grow it, and how to maintain it, all while still facing COVID-19.
Episode 35: Asking the Right Questions to Get the Best Content with Mercedez Thompson (Episode 11 Rebroadcast)
March 10th, 2021 | 23 mins 58 secs
aec marketing, aecmarketeer, content writing, questions
Rebroadcast of the most listened to episode of the AEC Markteer.
Episode 34: Never Underestimate the Power of Aloha with Rachel Mamiya
March 3rd, 2021 | 29 mins 55 secs
aecmarketeer, aecmarketing, aloha, hawaii
I sit down to talk with Rachel about her career and working in her home state of Hawaii
Episode 33: Making the Case for Case Studies with Leslie Blaize
February 24th, 2021 | 20 mins
aecmarketeer, aecmarketing, casestudies
Leslie and I chat about case studies and why our firms should be writing them.
Leslie Blaize of Blaize Communications is a freelance writer specializing in Architecture/Engineering/Construction. She’s certified as a professional services marketer and case studies specialist. -
Episode 32: Death by Architecture with Tenille Bettenhausen
February 17th, 2021 | 19 mins 4 secs
aec marketing, business development, death by architecture, podcasting
Tenille and I sit down to talk about her career in the AEC industry and her new podcast Death by Architecture.
Episode 31: Coping with Constraints with Megan Morgan
February 10th, 2021 | 26 mins 16 secs
aec marketing, constraints, coping, yoga
In this episode I sit down to talk with Megan about how her yoga practice has helped her cope with constraints introduced during this pandemic. While these are great tips for working from home, I also believe they are great practices to carry with us long after this pandemic is gone.
Episode 30: Building Business with Shiloh Swanson
February 3rd, 2021 | 24 mins 25 secs
aec marketing, building business, customer-centric marketing
In this episode I talk to Shiloh about how we as AEC marketers and business developers should be building business while we (still) find ourselves in this pandemic.
Shiloh Swanson, FSMPS, CPSM is a Senior Principal and National Sales Manager at Stantec. -
Episode 29: Podcasting 101
January 27th, 2021 | 11 mins 8 secs
aecmarketing, marketing, podcasting
I have gotten quite a few questions lately on podcasting and so I've done my best to answer the most common ones in this episode. I hope it's helpful!
Episode 28: A Marketing Career Story with Cricket Robertson
January 20th, 2021 | 32 mins 22 secs
I sit down to chat with Cricket about her career, what she's learned along the way, and suggestions for others trying to navigate their own career paths.
Episode 27: Counselor to AEC Marketer with Gabe Lett
January 13th, 2021 | 37 mins 18 secs
aec marketing, counseling, life skills, marketing
Gabe and I chat about his experience as a counselor and how those skills have translated into the world of AEC marketing.
Episode 26: Take a Walk on the Client Side with Jamie Lai
January 6th, 2021 | 19 mins 47 secs
engineering, marketing, public agencies, public sector
In this episode I talk with Jamie about her experience working in the public sector and what we could do better as consultants when working with and marketing to public agencies like the City of Yorba Linda.
Episode 25: A Thank You Note from Keelin
December 30th, 2020 | 4 mins 4 secs
aec marketeer, aec marketing, thank you
I want to send this thank you note, in podcast form, to all my listeners and guests from 2020. It has been an absolute privilege to do this podcast with you all and I am really looking forward to a 2021 filled with equally remarkable people and conversations.
Thank you.
Keelin Cox -
Episode 24: S, M, L Firms with Keelin and David LeCours
December 23rd, 2020 | 31 mins 58 secs
aec industry, aec marketing, experience
In this episode, I am interviewed by David LeCours about my experience with small, medium, and large AEC firms. This is part 2 of our AEC Markteer and PSM Show collaboration.
Episode 23: How to Build Effective AEC Websites with David Lecours
December 16th, 2020 | 31 mins 3 secs
aec marketing, aec websites, design, websites
David Lecours is Principal at LecoursDesign based in San Diego but working nationally. LecoursDesign is a branding and digital marketing agency helping AEC firms attract clients and talent.
In October LecoursDesign was awarded the top honor for external websites at the national SMPS Marketing Communications Awards. They also won the same award in 2018. So, I thought it would be great to interview David about what makes an effective AEC website.