AEC Marketeer

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

118 episodes of AEC Marketeer since the first episode, which aired on June 22nd, 2020.

  • Episode 22: How to Work with Graphic Designers with Candi Crosson

    December 9th, 2020  |  20 mins 39 secs

    Candi Crosson and I talk about when it's best to engage a graphic designer and the questions she asks her teams.

  • Episode 21: Rebranding the Role of AEC Marketers with Ida Cheinman

    December 2nd, 2020  |  28 mins 9 secs
    aecmarketing, rebranding

    Ida and I chat about the role of AEC marketers and how we can rebrand our roles and create a new value proposition for marketers in the AEC industry.

  • Episode 20: Marketing Unicorns with Fawn Radmanich

    November 25th, 2020  |  9 mins
    aecmarketeer, aecmarketing, marketing, unicorns

    In this special edition episode of the AEC Marketeer, this Pre-Thanksgiving Leftovers episode covers marketing unicorns and Fawn gives another great example of innovating in the AEC space. Enjoy!

  • Episode 19: The Benefits of Mentoring with Joy Guinn

    November 18th, 2020  |  20 mins 40 secs
    aecmarketeer, aecmarketing, mentoring, mentorship

    We all know the benefits of being mentored, but what about the benefits of being a mentor? Joy Guinn and I discuss just that on this week's episode.

  • Episode 18: Getting to Know Chris Austin of Maven's Notebook

    November 11th, 2020  |  21 mins 27 secs
    california, research, water, website

    I sit down with Chris Austin to talk about her website Maven's Notebook. Through Maven's Notebook, Chris Austin has created a unique platform that compiles an entire sector's worth of information from one state into accessible articles.

  • Episode 17: Innovating with Fawn Radmanich

    October 28th, 2020  |  27 mins 13 secs
    aecmarketing, empathy, innovation, mindset

    Fawn is an excellent innovator and in this episode I pick her brain as she explains how she comes up with innovative ideas and some examples of her successes.

  • Episode 16: Business Development Planning and Accountability during Market Fluctuations

    October 21st, 2020  |  26 mins 13 secs
    aecmarketing, business development, planning

    Jen Newman and I talk about the value of a good business development plan, how to maintain accountability, and why planning is still important during times of market fluctuations.

  • Episode 15: Virtual Interview Tips

    October 14th, 2020  |  24 mins 50 secs
    aec marketing, interview prep, virtual interviews

    Courtney Johnson and I chat about our favorite tips and tricks for virtual interviews.

  • Episode 14: How to Build Your Bravery Muscle and Lean into Your Core Values

    October 7th, 2020  |  25 mins 55 secs
    aec marketing, bravery, core values

    Deirdre and I explore the relationship between bravery and leaning into your core values.

  • Episode 13: Kim Austin: A Career Story

    September 30th, 2020  |  24 mins 17 secs

    I sit down to talk with Kim Austin about her journey to becoming a Vice President of Regional Marketing and Communications and the lessons she's learned along the way

  • Episode 12: Career Coaching

    September 23rd, 2020  |  26 mins
    aec marketing, career coach, marketing

    I dig into all things career coaching with Maisha Hagan, owner and founder of Beauty and the Boss.

  • Episode 11: Asking the Right Questions to Get the Best Content

    September 16th, 2020  |  23 mins 24 secs
    aec marketing, content writing

    Mercedez Thompson and I explore content writing, asking great questions, and the tools she uses to produce the best content possible.

  • Episode 10: Visual Journaling

    September 9th, 2020  |  23 mins 36 secs
    sketchnotes, visual journaling

    Cathy Hutchison explains what visual journal in and how you can get started!

  • Episode 9: Exploring B+C Marketing Strategies

    September 2nd, 2020  |  40 mins
    analogous marketing

    Andy Pierce is a B+C marketer from Ireland that I brought on this week to break us out of our echo chambers a bit and inject some fresh ideas from the B+C space that hopefully you can apply to your AEC Marketing efforts.

  • Episode 8: Building Your Personal Brand with Damion Morris

    August 26th, 2020  |  30 mins 2 secs
    branding, marketing, personal branding

    Damion Morris and I sit down to discuss personal branding and how to build your own personal brand.

  • Episode 7: Public Relations and Social Media in AEC

    August 19th, 2020  |  34 mins 18 secs

    During this episode Dacia Coffey and I go over some steps on how to bring your PR into the spotlight. We talk social media, how to become follow-worthy, and so much more!